
Bicycle Advisory Committee of the City of Los Angeles Meeting – October 1, 2019

Bicycle Advisory Committee of the City of Los Angeles Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 7:00 p.m. Hollywood Neighborhood City Hall Community Room
6501 Fountain Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Bicycles may be brought into the meeting room.

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Administrative Items ​(action may be taken on all agenda items)

  1. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum. BAC Members – Mayor: Henny Alamillo, Glenn Bailey, Karen Canady, David Wolfberg; CD 1: Jennifer Gill; CD 2: Ron Meyer; CD 3: Dana Sherman; CD 4: Kate Parankema; CD 5: Taylor Nichols; CD 6: Quirino de la Cuesta; CD 7: John Laue; CD 8: Aubrey Provost; CD 9: (vacant); CD 10: Abe Chang; CD 11: Kent Strumpell; CD 12: Mike Kaiser; CD 13: (vacant); CD 14: Neel Sodha; CD 15: Allyson Vought – Alternates: CD 5 Michael Schneider
  2. Approval of Minutes: June 4, 2019 and any previous meetings
  3. BAC Alternates ​CF 19-0606​ approved by City Council 7/2/19 – Welcome to new Alternate(s)
  4. New BAC Website ​​ to be launched – Quirino de la Cuesta
  5. Public Comment on non agenda items: all speakers are requested to submit a Speaker Card. Public Comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker at the discretion of the presiding officer.

Presentation by Dockless Mobility Company including possible infrastructure improvements – Part 2

6. 7:15pm LIME (limited time for questions after presentation)

City Departments/Staff Reports/Metro/County/Caltrans

7. Transportation: Active Transportation Group Report; Complete Streets Work Program​; ​Vision Zero Action Plan and Vision Zero Alliance updates; LA Great Streets updates

8. Police: LAPD Bicycle Working Group updates – Bicycle Liaison Officer Donald Inman

9. Engineering: LA River Way – SFV Bikeway and Greenway Design Completion Project (Vanalden to Balboa Bl.)

10. Metro: ​LA River Path proposed alternatives​ for 8 mile gap closure between Elysian Valley and Maywood

11. County: ​LA River Master Plan​ update: next community meetings 10/15/19 (Canoga Park) & 10/17/19 (LA)

BAC Subcommittee Reports and Motions

12. Advocacy and Education Subcommittee report – Ron Meyer; Possible appointment of Co-Chair

13. Bikeways Subcommittee – Jennifer Gill (joint meetings with Planning Subcommittee held 7/16/19 and 9/17/19)

14. Planning Subcommittee – Kent Strumpell (joint meetings with Bikeways Subcommittee held 7/16/19 and 9/17/19)

a. New LADOT Livable Streets website: ​

b. Vision Zero project updates (Avalon, Broadway, Reseda Bl., Ballona Creek path); rainbow halo memorials Ballona Creek path); rainbow halo memorials

c. Active Transportation Project Updates: Expo Bike Path; LA River Bike Path; Arroyo Seco Bike Path repairs; Mid City West Neighborhood Greenway (Rosewood) – ​BAC recommends same treatment at Rosewood/La Cienega as exists at Rosewood/La Brea. The BAC further recommends a HAWK with a Yucca-style diverter at Rosewood/Crescent Heights​; Santa Monica Bl. (Century City); Main St. bike lanes

d. Collaborating with Communities to Build Better Bicycle Connections: ​recommendation for Class 2 bike lanes on 8th St. between Fairfax to LaBrea

e. Los Angeles River bicycle path closure bridge work and detours update and timetable – John Laue

f. Bicycle project suggestions by BAC members for Subcommittee consideration; prioritization for LADOT? i. Sunset Bl protected lanes;Hoover St(Venice to Rampart);Glendale Bl(Atwater Village to Silver Lake)

Other Potential Action Items/Updates

15. BAC Retreat 11/18/18 follow up items including 45th Anniversary proclamation, future Retreat?

16. Bicycle-Related Council Files: ​15-0719-S17​ Mobility Plan 2035 / Class 1 and Class II Bike Paths / Lane Mile Inspection / Bring Pavement to Appropriate Safety Standards AND ​17-1142-S1​ City Bike Lanes / Pavement Condition Index 86 or Higher / A Condition Requirement (CC approved 9/18/19); ​17-0863​ Promote Effective Bicycle Registration Program / Encourage Bicycle Serial Number Registration (LAPD/LADOT to recommend);​ ​16-0415 Establishment of Bicycle Traffic School Program (LADOT/LAPD to report back); ​15-0719-S21​ 5th and 6th Street / Central to Broadway / Inclusion to the Mobility Plan 2035 / Bicycle Enhanced Network (DOT to report back); 18-0731​ Arts District / Mobility Strategy (DOT to report back)

BAC Reports and Announcements

17. BAC Member and Officer Reports – Emphasis on Council District meetings and projects not listed above
18. Upcoming Meetings/Events/Rides: ​CicLAvia​ – Heart of LA 10/6/19; ​California Bicycle Summit ​10/15-17/19 in LA 19.

19. Adjournment in memory of… Next Meeting – Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Agenda Attachment